Jasmine, the scent of feminine sweetness

The scent of jasmine is the soul of many luxury perfumes and, along with rose, the most used flower in perfumery. It flowers between June and October, but the most appreciated flowers are those harvested in July and August.
A jasmine flower that has a great history: for the Chinese it signifies feminine sweetness; in medieval art it was associated with The Virgin and the Hindus called it "moonlight of the forests". A flower with a sweet and intense aroma and with a present of poetry and love that makes its essence the protagonist of many of the most sophisticated fragrances.
To make the perfumes, the specific essence of jasmine is extracted from which the absolute essence is obtained by washing with alcohol.
The genus Jasminumhas about 200 species that receive the common name jasmine. They are believed to have originated in the Himalayas and the species spread to China, the Middle East and India, later becoming one of the most cultivated species throughout Europe.
.Their flowers are mostly white, -although there are some yellow and reddish species- and are hermaphrodite. They are composed of a calyx with five petals and two stamens. Its fragrance is intense and of a very sweet aroma.
Etymologically ethe name 'jasmine' derives from classical Arabic yàsamìn and means "gift of God".
.They represent different meanings according to their color: white jasmine means spirituality and hope; yellow also means grace and elegance -very suitable to give to someone who has been successful in work or studies-; it also symbolizes affection and friendship. It is increasingly used in bridal bouquets because of the love and spirituality attributed to its flower.
The jasmine flower is used to flavor tea in China and some rice dishes in Thailand. Therapeutically it is used to relax, relieve tension and fatigue and is even said to have aphrodisiac properties.
.- Tags: ingredientes perfumería
Me encantan los jazmines!!!!! En realidad me encantan las plantas en general. El jazmín es una maravilla por sus colores en las hojas 🍃 ✨️ sobre todo Jazmín del Cabo """ son elegantes, perfumados. Bellos Bellos Todos """