Cabin Treatments - Corporal

How comfortable the skin feels after a body treatment! Like when we clean the car from top to bottom after a long day in the field...

In general, with a body treatment we achieve:

  • Decrease fluid retention thanks to lymphatic drainage.
  • Treat cellulite, stretch marks and orange peel.

  • Increase firmness.
  • Return to the skin the vitality, freshness and brightness luminosity lost.

  • Give greater elasticity to the skin and activate cell regeneration.

Do you feel like trying some cleansing treatment in our boothABANUC Salesas (Madrid)? In it you can enjoy any of our treatments.

If you want to gift any of the rituals we offer, we will send you a gift card so you can give it to the person.

In both cases, it is essential to call +34 91 421 35 78 to book the appointment (hours: M-F, from 10:30 am to 8:30 pm. S, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.).

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